New Patient Centre
Having been a Chiropractic patient myself before beginning my career as a Chiropractor I recognise how arriving at a Chiropractic Clinic for the first time can be a nerve racking experience. Paperwork to fill out, new faces and names to learn, and getting to know your way around the clinic; this can all be very daunting. I know, I’ve been there.
It's important to us that you feel right at home. Therefore, all of us at Saltash Chiropractic Clinic would like to welcome you to our beautiful, family-friendly space where you’ll enjoy a positive, first-class healing experience. We’re committed to providing you with hope, answers and help! Chiropractic care is unlike anything you’ve tried before, and we can’t wait to get started!
Doctor of Chiropractic
What Can I Expect?
A Full History
A Consultation and Physical Examination
A Full Spinal and Nerve Scan
A Digital Postural Analysis
Initial Plan of Action
Discuss with experts who specialise in treating pain and injured bodies
Discover more about your injury (even if you thought you already knew)
Receive professional advice on what you can do next (no commitments)
Receive advice on treatments WITHOUT surgery and WITHOUT reliance on prescription drugs
Ask questions you wanted to ask but have felt too afraid or intimidated
Get skilled, professional and experienced attention for you and your injury
Laying the foundation
Chiropractic care is like building a house – certain things have to happen in a particular order in order for everything to stand strong and work correctly. When building a house, if you tried to put up your walls before you had a solid foundation, your walls would be weak and eventually collapse.
If you tried to put on your roof before the walls were ready, you would run into the same problem. The same is true for your body. Your body has to go through a particular plan of care in order to repair itself correctly and fully. There are three general phases of chiropractic care .
Your First Call
We’re ready to answer any questions you have and get you scheduled for your first two visits. This is a laid-back, fun, no pressure, heart-to-heart conversation between you and our oh-so friendly front desk team. They’ll get you all set with paperwork, too. Please have this completed prior to your first visit.
Why Two Visits?
We use two visits for our new patient process to ensure that you get a care plan specific to you. Your Chiropractor will go over your scans and exam findings, then process all that information to determine how best to get you the results you’re looking for.
There is no given template for our patients- instead, everything is individualized to you.
Your First Visit
When you arrive at the clinic, you’ll be greeted with a big smile and welcomed as a member of our family. Immediately, you’ll feel like we’ve been waiting to see you all day, and it’s true!
You’ll sit down with your Chiropractor for a detailed discussion about what’s causing your health related concerns. The purpose of this visit is to learn more about you, your expectations and how chiropractic can help you and your family reach your health goals and find true healing.
Your Chiropractor and the team will conduct a thorough chiropractic examination to determine if there is evidence of vertebral subluxations (neurological/spinal stress). We will gather all the information needed to ensure we are able to help you!
Our state of the art exam suite is equipped with the Insight Millennium Scanning Unit. This technology gives our Chiropractor the most comprehensive look at how the master control system in your body is functioning (nervous system). Not only are they then able to determine if they can help you, with this technology they are able to accurately measure your progress along the way. Hands down, this is the most important scan you will ever receive in our office. We ask that you plan on spending about 45 minutes with us for your initial visit.
Wellness Orientation
In the first couple of weeks, at the start of your journey to better health all our new patients attend a Wellness Orientation.
This is a free talk with our Chiropractor, Dr Jon, at the practice on either a Monday at 1pm or a Thursday
evening at 6pm.
This talk gives us the opportunity to welcome you to the practice and build upon your understanding of
what chiropractic is, how chiropractic works and how our practice works. We have discovered that those
patients who have attended our talk get the very best out of the care we have to offer and we want you to
do the same. The team will book your place if and when you start care.
Your Second Visit
Care Plan
Following your Examination visit, your Chiropractor will reflect upon all the information discussed and the results from the Examination Visit and at this second visit will provide a Care Plan to answer the three most popular and important questions:
Can you help me?
How long will it take?
How much is it going to cost?
After discussing with you your history and your goals, examining your spine, cranium and other soft tissue related areas and reviewing any x-rays or tests, your Chiropractor will discuss recommendations with you.
If you have a condition that requires care with other providers, this will be discussed with you. If your Chiropractor believes we can help you, we will recommend a Care Plan based upon your goals.
Course of Care
At the conclusion of the care plan many patients are eager to get started. Most patients receive their first chiropractic adjustment that day, and you can, too! Other patients would like to discuss financial options with their spouse which we completely understand and respect.
Chiropractic Care is not a passive treatment. We work together. The Chiropractor has their responsibilities and you have yours, so the care provided can be as effective as possible. You will have any and all questions answered and will fully understand what is expected before care begins.
Wellness Programme
Prior to leaving this second visit, patients will be instructed on a wellness programme to be conducted at home. If you are in pain when you first come into our clinic this may include advice regarding ice or heat application, avoidance of certain activities or positions, as well as home exercises and/or stretches. If you desire an overall wellness lifestyle, our wellness team will work with you to create good habits and routines that support your success.
Every body is unique and different and therefore everyone requires a unique and customised wellness plan. The foundation of our overall wellness lifestyle is maintaining healthy posture, proper movement of the spine, a balanced nervous system, eating a healthy diet, taking supplements, keeping your weight under control, drinking plenty of water and stress relief activities.

Wellness Care
Finally, if you choose, you then "graduate" to the wellness phase, which is designed to maintain your improved health, encourage normal spinal function, prevent the return of the original condition, and catch small problems before they become serious.
A personal wellness care programme will be designed specifically for you where we teach you how to incorporate good nutrition and exercise habits into your everyday life, thereby promoting vitality, endurance, and the ability to enjoy life at its fullest.
A good way to look at chiropractic is to relate it to dentistry. We all know it takes a long time to develop tooth decay, but with regular maintenance and check-ups, the plaque doesn't have a chance. Similarly, it often takes a long time to develop a spinal dysfunction, but with regular maintenance, this dysfunction can be avoided in the first place.
Few things as complicated as your body can be "fixed" and then ignored. Think of your car, your teeth, or your relationships. They take time and effort to maintain, but you know it's worth it in the long run. That's why we recommend a regular schedule of chiropractic check-ups.
You can then congratulate yourself on achieving your ultimate goal: optimal health!
Family Wellness Care at Saltash Chiropractic
At Saltash Chiropractic, we find that once one member of the family begins care, the rest of the family wants in! It’s not unusual to see Mum, Dad, and the kids all on the same day. We love it! Your family’s well-being is paramount and we get that. Helping families navigate their health in a whole new way is our passion.
We see adults in every phase of life. The pressures and stressors we face on a daily basis are often expressed physically – whether it’s pain in the neck or back, an injury that just won’t heal, or lacking the energy to keep up with your children. Many adults seek our help with sleep, mood, anxiety and stress levels, aches and pains, digestive issues, headaches and migraines.
We are passionate about helping mums achieve healthy, comfortable pregnancies and empowered births. Good news! We are equipped to provide you with the exceptional prenatal care you deserve to put you on the path toward the pregnancy and birth you desire. We have special belly pillows to lay on and specific techniques to get your body ready for birth and keep you as comfortable as possible up until the big day!
Our Youngsters
In today’s world, kids are going to the doctor, getting medications or getting labeled by a diagnosis and being treated differently because of who they are. We want all kids to grow up happy, healthy and enjoy their childhood. Every child deserves that, but so many aren’t getting it.
At Saltash Chiropractic, we want to make a positive impact on your family. With a focus on paediatric chiropractic, we can make sure your kids stay well now and in the future.
Teens are enduring more stress today than ever before. Thankfully, teens are resilient. While receiving chiropractic care, teens report feeling calm, relaxed, focused and pain-free. Teenagers frequently seek our help with headaches, text neck, poor posture, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, sports performance, academic performance, and handling stress.
Big Kids
The brain sends messages to the rest of our body via the spine – like the fast lane on a super highway. Chiropractic care connects the brain and bodies of our kiddos to promote rest, relaxation, digestion, immune function, development, healing and growth! Parents seek our help with all manner of different challenges as a kiddo with improved nerve function is a kiddo with an improved life.
Children are growing and developing more than ever between birth and seven years old. Supporting their nervous systems with chiropractic care helps with many other bodily systems. For this age group, parents often seek our help with congestion, coughs, colds, ear infections, sleep issues, eczema, speech development and coordination.
Often times our littlest patients sleep right through their adjustments. Our techniques for babies are incredibly gentle with less pressure than testing the ripeness of a tomato. Parents seek our help with nursing issues, reflux, excessive spitting up, stiffness, gas, constipation, excessive crying, torticollis, and head shape.
Catering to Your Kids
Some of our sensory kiddos or children on the spectrum have a tough time sitting through a process like a consultation. If that’s the case, Our Chiropractor will be happy to complete the consultation over the phone. Then, when your child comes into the clinic, we’ll do their scans right away. Please know that we don’t expect your child to be anything but themselves here. Our entire staff is great with kids. They have a play area and can feel comfortable knowing that we’ll accommodate them.
If your child is older, they may feel intimidated by the idea of visiting our clinic. We’ll talk directly to them, not over them. It’s important to make chiropractic fun, so we’ll discuss how it gives them superpowers! We make them two promises: one, that nothing will hurt, and two, that they’re going to have fun.
During their adjustment, they can even sit on Mum or Dad’s lap. Our Chiropractor is an expert in making funny faces if they need a distraction. We’ll work with them to make everything go as smoothly as possible.
The Gentlest Touch
We’ll always adapt what we do to your child’s age. For a baby, the pressure of a pinky is used, no more than you’d require to touch your eye. A baby will usually sleep right through their adjustment. The response tends to be swift, too, since the condition hasn’t been present for long and their little bodies are more than ready to accept the correction.